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Office of the Ocean County Clerk

Starting a Business in Ocean County

Registering A Business Trade Name

Schedule an appointment online to register a Trade Name.

Schedule an Appointment

You can register your new business with the Ocean County Clerk's Office either in person or by mail.

  1. Complete the forms as per instructions
  2. Three (3) completed Registration Forms must be notarized by a Notary Public or an Attorney at Law

The State of New Jersey provides a number of forms that may be downloaded and printed at www.state.nj.us/njbgs/forms2a.htm

Ocean County Clerk's Office
Ocean County Court House
Attn: Trade Names - Room 107
P.O. Box 2191, 118 Washington Street
Toms River, New Jersey 08754
Phone: (732) 506-5198
Southern Service Center
179 South Main St. Room 106
Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Phone: (609) 597-1500
County Connection
Ocean County Mall
1201 Hooper Ave
Toms River, NJ 08753
Phone: (732) 288-7777

Hours: By Appointment Only

Fee in person: (Cash/Money Order only)
$50 Certificate of Trade Name
$25 Cancellation of Business Name
$25 Amendment of Trade Name

Fee by Mail: (Money Order only)
$53 ($3 search fee +$50 registration fee) Certificate of Trade Name
$25 for Cancellation of Business Name
$25 Amendment of Trade Name

SCORE: Counselors to Small Business

Get free advice from local Ocean County experts to help start or grow your small business.
Visit SCORE, where you can find a mentor, list of local workshops and more.

Statewide Business Associations

Below is a list of Business Associations in New Jersey:

 National Federation of Independent Business
 New Jersey Business & Industry Association
 New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce